Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy's getting worse. I've never experienced something like this before, the winds are hast and nasty and I could see trees falling down. Many areas in lower Manhattan, roads have turned in raging rivers.Winds were very fast, even then people in my area were walking around, taking their dogs out for a walk with a "careless attitude." MTA is been shut down completely for two days. Experts also say that this could be worse than hurricane Katrina.Mayor's doing a pretty good job,he's  organized everything well enough for New Yorkers.  Also Sandy's caused a major threat in hospitals, the NYU is making emergency evacuations  of very sick kids and other patients, its heart aching to watch the news when one of the doctors said, "some kids are very sick" their back up generators died and they are transporting patients through stairs.
Now as we all are experiencing this storm, I could totally relate how hurricane Katrina could have affected people of the New Orleans, specially with flooding and power cuts. this hurricane completely relates to our class topic. i could imagine how the less fortunate would have suffered having 20 feet of water in their community, it should have been pathetic. Reading Zeitoun at this time adds more "real sense" to the story. Newscasts only show the damages and other stuff, nobody dares to talk about climate change. Documentaries like "six degrees till doom" " the 11th Hour" and many other scientists and NASA researchers have been screaming on top of their lungs trying to inform the public that all this will happen, but nobody hears them. It's high time for the government to give the researchers and scientists their space so that they could tell public what happening to our mother nature, failing which we will experience more consequences.
Hoping that Sandy leaves us soon and not causing anymore damages!

blog 4

Researching on the lower ninth ward gave me an opportunity to learn more about Hurricane Katrina and how money played a huge difference between the rich and the less privileged. Before hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, only few Americans knew about the lower ninth ward, until hurricane exploded this place. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the gulf coast of the United States, east of New Orleans with the “storm’s eye” passing within 10 to 15 miles of the city. The effect on New Orleans, as well as on the entire coastal region, was devastating major levees breaches broke out waters “gushed and tossed” homes and cars are playthings. People with money bought houses on the upper side of the lower ninth ward while the less-privileged had to stay back in the low lying areas and flood zone prone areas. The lower ninth ward residents claim their neighborhood to be a “friendly community” were people help one and another (Journal of American History). Lower ninth ward had people from all communities and they get-together for their cultural events and festivals. Extensive flooding at the lower ninth ward drew “national attention.” Because the city is intertwined with water surrounding it, the lower ninth ward faced horrible devastations; also the area was flooded with 20feet of water. On one hand some residents couldn’t evacuate because they weren’t “well off” neither did they own vehicles to move out, so they had to stay there and be a part of that disaster while on the other hand few lower ninth ward residents say, “Everyone seems to think the poor, lower income people that don’t do anything [live here],” one resident claimed. “But they’re hard-working people down here” (Journal of American History). Also the storm had a notable effect on the city’s economy, its labor market dynamics, and its individual businesses. This disaster also affected “low-income disaster survivors” and they need long term health and mental services (American Journal of Orthopsychiatry). Hurricane Katrina was one of the most “economically costly” hurricanes ever to strike the United States  and about 80 percent of the city which was below the sea level was flooded, experts said $62.3 billion was needed for emergency response and recovery needs (Monthly Labor Review). Lower ninth ward of New Orleans “was ground zero” in the after math of hurricane Katrina reports say only two third of residents are back at the lower ninth ward and it still continues to be a “ghost town” (Journal of American History). In spite of living comfortably, very few people like zeituon stayed back to take care of the property and because he stayed back he was able to help other residents who were less fortunate. In one of the videos on you tube; Zeitoun mentioned that he was happy for what he did, he also said that he will “continue to do” the same if any disaster takes place again. He says that, God’s given him the ability to help others and he will continue to do that, no matter what. Some residents including Zeitoun say that they love their community and they will continue to live there. Some residents said, Life is “unquestionably difficult” there, but there are also moments of profound joy. "You have to live here to have it in your heart. And to know this is your home," said Stuart. From my perspective I think people who live in the lower ninth ward love their community and will do anything for it and finally I would like to conclude as one of the “proud” lower ninth ward resident said, we also face the risk of another hurricane, but there is a “spirit” in the Lower Ninth Ward that Hurricane Katrina could not destroy (Journal of American History) I really appreciate the fact that they love their community but they should also realize the importance of their lives and can also think about how they can raise their standard of living and how they can make money, so that it could help them in the time of their crisis.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry

Monday, October 22, 2012

In-class zeitoun

 Zeitoun woke up late on a Tuesday morning. As he looked outside through his window, he noticed unusual clamness and quiet, he thought to himself that he hasn't seen anything strange like this climate in years. His daily routine was blocked and in many years he had nothing to do so and all of sudden he statred to think about his childhood and how he spent his summer holidays at Arwad Island. Zeitoun decribes Ahmad as his best friend, hero and teacher. both of them used to chase lone chickens, run behind them. they watch the hull (the body of the ship) rise 20-30 feet and they have fun watching it. They dive down to fish, mostly their games took place in the water. As swimming came naturally to the Zeitoun family, they used to spend most of their time in swimmig and dry them up aganist a low stone wall. He describes his childhood as "a life of impossible romance and freedom"(Eggers 79). Zeitoun goes on to decribe his friend as "capable of anything"(Eggers 79). Ahmad taught him how to spear a fish, how to row a boat alone, for Zeitoun, Ahamd was his role model. As he was dreaming a disagreeable sound of the ocean woke him up. My view is that, thinking of his chilhood and his friend Ahmad gave a chance for Zeitoun to escape from the      "reality" of hurricane Katrina.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Six Degrees Til Doom"

If the earth warms by one degree,
  1. the Arctic will be ice free for half a year.
  2. 10,000 and more homes are flooding near the Bay of Bengal.
  3. hurricanes will start hitting the South Atlantic.
  4. severe droughts causes shortage in global grains and meat markets.
  5. we are getting closer to the tipping points.
  6. NASA's climate scientist James Hansen was the first to find out about the seriousness of global warming.
  7. The reality of climate change is, its the pace of climate change today that is unprecedented.
If the earth gets warmer by two degrees,
  1.  changes to biosphere are no longer gradual.
  2.  so much ice is melted making it difficult for the polar bears to survive.
  3. insects migrate in strange new directions.
  4. pine beetles kill of the white bark forest.
  5. impacts on the marine ecosystem are going to be more severe.

If the earth gets warmer by three degrees,
  1. the arctic will be ice free all summer.
  2. the amazon rain forest is drying out.
  3. snow caps on the Alps will disappear.
  4. weather patterns become. 
  5. the Mediterranean and parts of Europe wither in serious summer heat.
  6. heat waves could be the norm.
  7. 2003's heat wave in France was the first catastrophic wave due to global warming so far killing thousands of people in a rich country.

If the earth gets warmer by four degrees,
  1. oceans rise  overtaking heavily populated areas.
  2. Bangladesh could be washed away.
  3. Egypt detonated!
  4. Venice submerged!
  5. Glaciers disappear shutting down of fresh water to millions of people.
  6. Northern Canada becomes bountiful agricultural zone.
  7. the entire west ice sheet could collapse leading sea level to rise further.
  8. world plus four degrees, we could see a world which is totally unrecognizable to us.
  9. if the earth gets four degrees warmer, the most important rivers could be self destructive starting from the high mount glaciers to the Indian ocean.
  10. Himalayan rivers are the well spring of life to people in China and India.
  11. scientists predict that India could be one of the the country where the impact of global warming would take its greatest toll.
  12. unless we begin slowing the global warming in less than four decades, Ganges could be the river fighting for its own life.
If the earth gets warmer by five degrees,

  1. snow pack and aqua first that feed the world's major cities are drying out.
  2. climate refugees line up in hundred millions.
  3. its going to be inconvenience to human civilization to withstand this type of a climatic shock.
  4. the world could become a twilight zone.
  5. traditional social systems could break down.

if the earth gets warmer by six degrees,
  1. oceans might appear "bright blue" from a distance.
  2. natural disasters become "common events."
  3. some of the greatest cities are "flooded and abandoned."
  4. if the world gets warmer by six degrees in one century, we will experience nothing more than a "global wipe out."
  5. six degrees of warming have been called the "doomsday scenario."
  6. our lives would never be the same again.





Monday, October 15, 2012


Talking about Kathy and Zetioun's personalities, both of them had a unique characteristic.
As we know Zeitoun was born in Syria and had worked as a sailor for many years before he came to live  at New Orleans and Kathy who was a converted Muslim because of her Muslim friends at her community.Kathy was improving from her failed marriage and she was unsure in getting married again but, she decided to marry zeitoun because she thought her kids needed a father figure. Zeitoun was a successful and a hardworking business man and he owned a painting contract business at New Orleans. Kathy was very helpful in his business, she took note of his "busy schedules" and kept constantly reminding him about his work areas. Zeitoun was financially and socially a successful person in his career and he earned a "good name" from his clients.  I feel that both their personalities complimented each other for the growth of their business and their social status, both loved each other very much. Zeitoun acted "lethargic" at times, while Kathy kept informing him about the hurricane, he didn't bother much about it, on another hand  Kathy handled very well at their business and took care of the family.

When it came to make decisions about the hurricane Katrina, from my perspective I feel that Zeitoun acted stupid by sending his wife and kids to Kathy's home and his decision to stay back at the town just to save their house. He gave more importance to his house and not his family. I would agree if he had stayed back if he was a single person, but in his case he had a family to take care of  and in-spite of knowing the seriousness about the hurricane he chose to stay back.  I personally disagree to his decision.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Zeitoun (pg 68- 74) group 6

Kathy stayed in her brother Andy's house along with her children while Zeitoun stayed back home because he thought saving his house was more important. However, he was a little worried when he heard the news that storm Katrina was a "category 5 hurricane"(pg73) When Zeitoun called Kathy in-spite of the bad lines she felt happy and safe when she heard his voice, she also advised him to stay away from the windows. As the condition of the hurricane was getting bad, rains started pouring down. At Zeitoun's house, windows were broken due to hasty winds, there was a leakage in two of his children's room and he heard trees falling down but he managed to fix it with garbage cans and other things that he thought would be useful to protect his house. On the other hand, Zeitoun still walked outside in that threatening weather to get a glimpse of what was happening, he saw a man who had a canoe in his hand and he purchased it for seventy-five dollars on the spot, thinking to himself that it would be useful if the conditions get worse. He also assumed that if the storm breaks out to its fullest the condition would become worse than he expected. Knowing his house was in danger he fell asleep thinking to himself that some big breakage will wake him up.  As a reader I feel that staying back home during catergory 5 hurricane wasn't a brilliant idea and life is more important than anything. As we all "prevention is better than cure" Zeitoun should have acted smart in this type of a situation.

Monday, October 8, 2012

blog 3

Hello Class! This blog is a review of my blog 1 and 2 and as suggested by a student who is training to be a tutor at the writing center gave me comments to work on my blog and put my work in my own words. The comments really helped me to improve on this blog. As we are discussing about, whether or not New York City’s prepared for climate change.  The article “New York Is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn" New York Times.

            Mayor Bloomberg and other city officials are trying to take steps towards this issue, but they are taking slow measures regarding this alarming issue. People living in low lying areas, have high chances of getting flooded during any heavy rains. New York officials are not contributing towards this preparation. (i.e. Con Edison). The book “global warming reader” informs us about this threat. It’s a serious issue to be noticed that could cripple New York, leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. Are the New Yorkers really ready for this type of an alarming change? Are we aware? No, because we do not have enough awareness about climate change and new Yorkers do not take this seriously unless they know the seriousness of this issue. As the earth’s temperature is rising it makes human life more difficult and brings in insufficient amount of food and water, Global Warming Reader. 
We the humans play a very important role in causing danger to our planet and our ecosystem. The smog and many other toxic substances that evolve around our atmosphere cause breathing problems. This is only because we were not aware about the seriousness of climate change, awareness in schools, colleges and in public places might help to address this issue. Children can be taught to plant more trees and activities that might interest them so that they understand, what climate change is. Mankind has expanded in such an astonishing way that the Earth resources are being exploited. For example, throughout the past three century population has increased tenfold to 6 billion and urbanization has also increased tenfold having as consequence a draining of the fossil fuel, Anthropocence. Most of the New Yorkers are not aware other population increase or increase in urbanization because they do not realize the terrific outcome of this matter.
To conclude and from my perspective, I strongly believe that only “awareness” can help New Yorkers address the harmful effects of climate change. If every individual changes their life style to a certain extent, they make our planet a better place to live in. “it’s a million of small changes that need to happen”, said Adam freed.


Monday, October 1, 2012

to do list

As my friend suggested, I have to work on on my third paragraph by organizing it into another paragraph and I should include the meaning of words which are not familiar in my essay. reviewing the essay again will help identifying some errors for my essay. the challenge about this assignment was to identify the most important idea and show the scientific details for it. plan to finish my essay is just viewing it carefully to make it better.