Monday, October 22, 2012

In-class zeitoun

 Zeitoun woke up late on a Tuesday morning. As he looked outside through his window, he noticed unusual clamness and quiet, he thought to himself that he hasn't seen anything strange like this climate in years. His daily routine was blocked and in many years he had nothing to do so and all of sudden he statred to think about his childhood and how he spent his summer holidays at Arwad Island. Zeitoun decribes Ahmad as his best friend, hero and teacher. both of them used to chase lone chickens, run behind them. they watch the hull (the body of the ship) rise 20-30 feet and they have fun watching it. They dive down to fish, mostly their games took place in the water. As swimming came naturally to the Zeitoun family, they used to spend most of their time in swimmig and dry them up aganist a low stone wall. He describes his childhood as "a life of impossible romance and freedom"(Eggers 79). Zeitoun goes on to decribe his friend as "capable of anything"(Eggers 79). Ahmad taught him how to spear a fish, how to row a boat alone, for Zeitoun, Ahamd was his role model. As he was dreaming a disagreeable sound of the ocean woke him up. My view is that, thinking of his chilhood and his friend Ahmad gave a chance for Zeitoun to escape from the      "reality" of hurricane Katrina.

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