Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy's getting worse. I've never experienced something like this before, the winds are hast and nasty and I could see trees falling down. Many areas in lower Manhattan, roads have turned in raging rivers.Winds were very fast, even then people in my area were walking around, taking their dogs out for a walk with a "careless attitude." MTA is been shut down completely for two days. Experts also say that this could be worse than hurricane Katrina.Mayor's doing a pretty good job,he's  organized everything well enough for New Yorkers.  Also Sandy's caused a major threat in hospitals, the NYU is making emergency evacuations  of very sick kids and other patients, its heart aching to watch the news when one of the doctors said, "some kids are very sick" their back up generators died and they are transporting patients through stairs.
Now as we all are experiencing this storm, I could totally relate how hurricane Katrina could have affected people of the New Orleans, specially with flooding and power cuts. this hurricane completely relates to our class topic. i could imagine how the less fortunate would have suffered having 20 feet of water in their community, it should have been pathetic. Reading Zeitoun at this time adds more "real sense" to the story. Newscasts only show the damages and other stuff, nobody dares to talk about climate change. Documentaries like "six degrees till doom" " the 11th Hour" and many other scientists and NASA researchers have been screaming on top of their lungs trying to inform the public that all this will happen, but nobody hears them. It's high time for the government to give the researchers and scientists their space so that they could tell public what happening to our mother nature, failing which we will experience more consequences.
Hoping that Sandy leaves us soon and not causing anymore damages!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Althea, when revising your blog, you didn't introduce yourself and the topic even though I like the suspense in the first statement. Can you please explain what you mean by careless attitude? Also be careful with your past and present tense verbs. For example, I think you meant, MTA has been shutdown. The sentence about the mayor seems weird and what did the mayor do? The second paragraph has punctuation marks that don't belong and you should capitalize your " I". I agree with you it is scary and sad to see children and animals suffer
